Looks like we are going to have nice weather for hike. Weatherman reported mid 50's and no rain. Please let me know, (if you haven't already), if you are hiking and Pen-Glen. Thanks and hope to see you Saturday.
When: Saturday, 11/5/16
Hike: Penitentiary Glen Reservation
Location: Off Kirtland-Chardon road, just west of Booth Road in Kirtland.
time: 4PM
***please be on time for the hike, so we don't run out of daylight*** If it rains, the hike will be cancelled and meet at Ken's at 6PM for pot-luck
Pot-Luck: Ken's home. 7577 Roselawn Dr. Mentor 44060 (440-381-7026 cell or 440 255 0369 home)
Start: 6 PM - ? (please park in driveway or on side of street opposite fire hydrants)