tuesday Jordan Creek (social Plus) Ride 

Ride leader needed.

Ride Leader

Alternate Ride Leaders

NOTE: If no Ride Leader is available, then it is no longer a club sanctioned ride.

Ride Updates & Weather Cancellations: 
To be updated about ride route changes and weather cancellations, please download the WhatsApp app to your phone and subscribe to this ride by following the instructions here.  WhatsApp is a text messaging app that ride leaders use to communicate with club members.

Starting Location:
Lake Metroparks Jordan Creek Park, 7250 Alexander Rd., Painesville, OH 44077

On Site

Start Times:

  • Spring: 6:30 pm (starts first Tuesday in April)

  • Fall: 6:00 pm (starts second Tuesday in September) We will rotate between Veteran's Park in Mentor and Maple Highlands Trail in Chardon.

We will ride shorter routes in the spring and fall based on the sunset.  This social plus ride is just a step up from the social rides. 

We will do a little extra mileage or a little more hills and a little faster than the social ride.  If you want just a little more challenge, join us.  We are no drop and welcome all!


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