Club Officers

Bill Cashel 
Membership Director

The Membership Director will be responsible for management and control of the member database and the membership directory. The Director’s specific duties shall include maintaining the official membership roster, managing the database for data integrity and back-up, and providing summary details to the Council and Treasurer.

David Caban 

Website Director

The Website Director will be responsible for managing and controlling the Club website under the Council’s overall direction, coordinating activities with other functions within the Club that require access to the site, including; Treasurer for financial reporting, Ride Leaders for blogs and route maps, Members for access to general Club information. The Director’s specific duties shall include management of the on-line payment process, administration and security of the website.

Jackie LoPresti 


The Secretary shall keep a full and complete record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Club, and shall preserve all documents, correspondence, reports and communications of the Club. The Secretary’s specific duties shall include summarizing meeting minutes for approval and timely publication on the Club website; giving all notices required by law or these By-Laws; and maintaining an online repository of these By-Laws and any amendments thereto.

Richard Wiltse 

The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Club and shall be responsible for the security of the Club’s funds and other assets. The Treasurer’s specific duties shall include receiving, depositing, accounting for and disbursing all Club funds, or authorizing others to do so, as provided for by these By-Laws and the Council; maintaining all financial records; making all legally-required filings; presenting a brief financial report at each Council meeting and the Annual Membership Meeting; and filing with the Council a written Annual Financial Report for each fiscal year outlining the financial condition of the Club and summarizing the previous year’s transactions and events, said Annual Financial Report to be published on the Members secured portion of the Club website.

Mark Jackson 

Sunday in June Director

The Sunday in June (SIJ) Event Director shall be responsible for preparing a SIJ budget for approval by the Council, managing all aspects of Sunday In June including overall planning, establishing and coordinating sub teams, negotiating with suppliers, and establishing contracts for this event. The Director’s specific duties shall include managing expenses within the Council’s pre-approved SIJ budget, authorizing payments in support of the event, and reporting results to the Council.


Member-Events Director

Member-Events Director(s) shall be club members in good standing and shall manage expenses within pre-approved Council budgets in support of member-directed events (e.g. Annual picnic; holiday gathering; ride leader special events) authorizing payments in support of the event and reporting results to the Council.

Each event can be audited by a member of the Council or its appointee.

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